Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” — Maya Angelou

American minority peoples — African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, and American Indian peoples — have contributed to the making of the culture of the United States.

Gain a deeper understanding of American minority peoples and their communities through interdisciplinary studies in Ethnic Studies. Take courses that focus on the historical and philosophical impact of the cultures of minority people.

Careers in Ethnic Studies

  • Work with people as a social worker, guidance counselor, or teacher.
  • Work for a non-profit as an administrator or grant writer.
  • Work for a business as a writer/editor or work in advertising or public relations.

Transfer Opportunities and Pathways

An Ethnic Studies major can be found at many bachelor’s granting institutions. Some universities and colleges may even have similar, but more specified majors to explore, that could align better with your interests. Examples include American Studies, Black Studies, Asian American Studies, East Asian Studies, American Indian Studies, Latino/a/Chicano/a Studies, Global Studies/International Relations, European Studies, Gender Studies, Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Religious Studies, Urban Studies, and many more.

  • Search a list of Ethnic Studies related majors at the UCs and CSUs
  • Compare average admit GPAs across similar majors at the UCs
  • Learn what major prep courses you need to take in order to transfer to the UCs or CSUs
  • Explore similar majors at private and out-of-state institutions