Drama/Theatre Arts

Drama/Theatre Arts

Do you have a passion for live performance and visual storytelling?

Whether being the star of the show or creating theatrical magic behind the scenes, benefit from the enriching, interdisciplinary studies of Drama and Theater Arts.

Participate in all aspects of production including acting, directing, customing, set construction, and lighting and sound. Examine works of dramatic literature, like Shakespear, and study improvisation and theater history.

Careers in Drama and Theater Arts

  • Work as an actor, director, or playwright.
  • Become a theater teacher or a drama therapist.
  • Work in television and film.
  • Become a set designer, stage manager, or screenwriter.

Transfer Opportunities and Pathways

A Drama and Theater Arts major can be found at many bachelor’s granting institutions. Some universities and colleges may even have similar, but more specified majors to explore, that could align better with your interests. Examples include Musical Theater, Theater Design, Drama Education/Teaching, and many more.

  • Search a list of Drama and Theater Arts related majors at the UCs and CSUs
  • Compare average admit GPAs across similar majors at the UCs
  • Learn what major prep courses you need to take in order to transfer to the UCs or CSUs
  • Explore similar majors at private and out-of-state institutions

Download Theatrical Technologies Pathway Sheet (PDF)

Associate in Arts, Associate in Arts Transfer
