

The study of physics is extensive. It includes such fields as astronomy, optics, nuclear and high-energy physics, acoustics, solid-state physics, biophysics, and geophysics.

The career physicist may stand on a missile-launching pad, go beneath the sea or ascend into the upper atmosphere. Today, however, nuclear physicists represent the largest single group of full-time employed physicists.

Careers in Physics

  • Start your career in entry-level sales or work as a research assistant or lab technician.
  • Become a system analyst, instrument designer, or metallurgist.
  • Work as a mechanical engineer or electrical engineer.
  • Specialize as an air pollution specialist, environmental studies specialist, or industrial research and development specialist.

Transfer Opportunities and Pathways

A Physics major can be found at many bachelor’s granting institutions. Some universities and colleges may even have similar, but more specified majors to explore, that could align better with your interests. Examples include Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Astronomy, Nuclear Engineering, Astrophysics, Biophysics, Applied Mathematics, and many more.

  • Search a list of Physics related majors at the UCs’ and CSUs
  • Compare average admit GPAs across similar majors at the UCs
  • Learn what major prep courses you need to take in order to transfer to the UCs or CSUs
  • Explore similar majors at private and out-of-state institutions
Associate in Science Transfer
